This cigar lighter features a unique 3-in-1 design, incorporating a top safety cover that not only provides protection and wind resistance but also serves as a convenient cigar stand, making it easy for you to light your cigars in any setting. The built-in automatic one-touch cigar V-cutter completes the multifunctional design, addressing all your cigar accessory needs.
Equipped with a handy automatic one-touch cigar cutter, this cigar torch lighter offers a more convenient and quick experience compared to lighters with manual pull-out cigar cutters. The button is right there on the left side below the refillable lighter, eliminating the need for extra tools - just a simple one-touch puts everything in your hands, giving cigar enthusiasts a smoother and downright perfect user experience.
Crafted with high-quality metal, the SCARRA multi-functional cigar lighter introduces cutting-edge windproof triple jet flame technology. This ensures a quick and steady ignition of cigars or anything else in any weather conditions. No matter how strong the wind blows, it handles all environmental challenges with ease, leaving you worry-free.
Designed for refillable butane, this lighter is both eco-friendly and cost-effective. The long-lasting butane fuel allows you to easily light anything, anytime, anywhere. The see-through side window keeps you informed about the fuel level, and the bottom flame adjuster lets you tweak the flame size as needed. The butane refill hole makes it easy to keep this cigar lighter working efficiently for a long time.
We offer a 90-day refund guarantee on all butane lighters, cigar accessories, and cigar humidors. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we take every issue seriously. Contact us anytime for prompt assistance and a satisfactory solution. Trust us for the finest gifts and outstanding after-sales support! (The butane lighter does not include butane.)
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